API Reference

Grab market stats within a range of time for a given blockchain. Elements are returned on an interval of 15 minuntes.

"use strict";
const Shards = require("web3-shards");

const shards = Shards.API.Ethereum.V1;
    apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY", // Join the discord to get your api key. https://discord.com/invite/kJd8W7Nh7e
    maxRequestsPerSecond:5, // client-side limiter to prevent accidental burning
    logger: 1               // 0=none,1=errors,2=verbose

const getMarketStats = async function() {
    const page = 1;
    const endTime = parseInt(Date.now()/1000);
    const startTime = endTime - 86400; // 1 day of history
    const resp = await shards.market.getMarketStats(startTime, endTime, page);

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!