API Reference

Returns a list of trending projects using custom constraints.


You May Want to Know

This will only return the first 10 query results. If you get 10 results routinely, you can try increasing the constraints until you are happy with the strictness of your parameters.

"use strict";
const Shards = require("web3-shards");

const shards = Shards.API.Ethereum.V1;
    apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY", // Join the discord to get your api key. https://discord.com/invite/kJd8W7Nh7e
    maxRequestsPerSecond:5, // client-side limiter to prevent accidental burning
    logger: 1               // 0=none,1=errors,2=verbose

const getTrendingProjects = async function() {
    const resp = await shards.projects.getTrendingProjects('1h', 50000, 1.01, 500, 50000);

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!